








1896年四川楷书(缶宝)光绪元宝库平七钱二分银币,又称“四川楷书”,采用广东光绪元宝为范本,传言此币在国外制作。正反面均带湖北式样的花星,用楷书篆刻七钱二分字样,造型精美,存世量极少。 另外,我们也可以从元宝的面值上来分。有库平一两、库平七钱二分、当三十、当二十等等。其中库平七钱二分大家比较常见。最贵的应该属当三十。当三十是我国铜元十大珍品之一,早已被中外泉家瞩目。许多有关中国铜元的出版物中都把它列入大珍,一级,并作为出版物的封面。



According to the chronicle of modern and contemporary history of sichuan, "in the qing dynasty, COINS were set up in baochuan, sichuan province, with copper COINS as the center. ... The twenty-third year of guangxu (1897) in the summer of sichuan governor LuChuanLin sent personnel to the United States imported a full set of casting silver and copper coin machines arrived in chengdu, because the shipping on the way encounter a series of disturbance and crash, make steel cause serious corrosion, as the two installation equipment technician then to sichuan, mint equipment installation work completed quickly, but forged copper coin has many flaws, not on the market, it is necessary to purchase new and different steel, replace has rusted steel can be put into production use.

As a result, silver and copper COINS were not made until 1901, the 27th year of the reign of emperor guangxu. In the thirtieth year of the reign of emperor guangxu (1904), the qing court approved the establishment of three types of ingots made by the official bureau of sichuan. Sichuan was three years later than guangdong in casting copper yuan.

During the guangxu period, there were "guangxu ingots made in sichuan province", which could be divided into two types according to the characters "bao" on the front. It was the first prototype. Another kind of guangxu yuanbao bao word for the abbreviation "your", commonly known as "your treasure", for later production line supplies, there are a variety of format.

1896 sichuan regular script (fou treasure) guangxu yuan Treasury flat seven money two silver COINS, also known as "sichuan regular script", guangdong guangxu yuan bao selected as a model, it is rumored that the currency in foreign manufacturing. The front and back sides all take the flower star of hubei style, use regular script seal to engrave seven money two typefaces, the modelling is exquisite, saves the world quantity to be extremely few. In addition, we can also divide them by the face value of the ingots. There are kuping one or two, kuping seven qian two, when thirty, when twenty and so on. In the meantime, kuping seven-qian dichotomy is common. The most expensive one should be 30. When thirty is one of China's top ten copper treasures, has long been the focus of attention at home and abroad. Many publications about copper yuan in China have it listed as a great treasure, level, and as the cover of publications.
