孤独的瞭望亭 - 挪威

挪威野生驯鹿瞭望亭位于Dovrefjell国家公园的深郊野外之处,海拔1250米,俯瞰Snøhetta群山。这座面积仅75平方米的室内空间,旨在为旅行团体提供临时休憩之所,也为来者指引Dovre Mountain高原的壮丽景象,和独特的生态环境之美。

The Norwegian Wild Reindeer Pavilion sits on a spectacular site on the outskirts of Dovrefjell National Park at around 1250 meters above sea level, overlooking the mountain, Snøhetta. The main purpose of the 75m2 beiuilding is to provide shelter for school groups and visitors as mountain guides lecture about the unique wildlife and history of the Dovre Mountain plateau.



Dovrefjell is home to wild reindeer herds, musk oxen, arctic foxes and a variety of endemic botanical species. A long history filled with travellers, hunting traditions, mining and military activities have left their mark on this land. Today, modern tourism and recreation continue to shape the cultural landscape of this place. Dovrefjell also holds significant importance in the consciousness of Norway. National legends, myths, poetry, music, and pilgrimages celebrate the mystic, eternal, and grounded qualities of this robust place. The founding fathers of the Norwegian constitution are “agreed and faithful, until the fall of Dovre!” 






Natural, cultural and mythical landscapes form the basis of the architectural idea. The building design is based on a contrast between a rigid outer shell and a soft organic-shaped inner core. A wooden interior is placed within a rectangular frame of raw steel and glass. The core is shaped like rock or ice is eroded by natural forces like wind and running water. Its shape creates a protected and warm gathering place, while still preserving visitor’s access to spectacular views.



