每日新闻播报(June 17)


每日新闻播报(June 17)


>The most creative ages 25岁和55岁最具创新力

A new study of winners of the Nobel Prize in economics finds that there are two different life cycles of creativity, one that hits some people early in their career and another that more often strikes later in life. 一项对历届诺贝尔经济学奖得主的新研究发现,人的生命中有两个创新周期:一个出现在职业发展早期,而另一个往往出现在生命的后期。

In this study, the early peak was found for laureates in their mid-20s and the later peak for those in their mid-50s. 这项研究发现,诺奖得主们创新力的第一个巅峰出现在25岁左右,第二个出现在55岁左右。

The Nobel Prize winners who did their most groundbreaking work early in their career tended to be "conceptual" innovators. 在职业生涯早期阶段取得突破性成就的诺奖得主往往是"概念式"创新者。

These type of innovators "think outside the box," challenging conventional wisdom and tend to come up with new ideas suddenly. 这一类型的创新者的想法不拘一格,他们往往灵光乍现,能够挑战传统智慧。

But there is another kind of creativity which is found among "experimental" innovators. 但还有另一种创新,适用于"经验式"创新者。

These innovators accumulate knowledge through their careers and find groundbreaking ways to analyze, interpret and synthesize that information into new ways of understanding. 这类创新者通过在职业生涯中不断积累知识,找到分析、解释和综合信息的突破性方法,从而对事物有了全新的理解。

The long periods of trial and error required for important experimental innovations make them tend to occur late in a Nobel laureate's career. 重要的实验创新往往需要长期反复试错,这一类创新往往出现在诺奖得主职业生涯的后期。

每日新闻播报(June 17)


>Secret of life satisfaction 生活满意度取决于支出?

What you spend rather than what you earn helps to determine how satisfied you are with life, a new study says. 一项新研究指出,决定你生活满意度的不是你的收入,而是你的支出。

Research from the UK's Office for National Statistics found spending on hotels, restaurants and household furnishings was associated with life satisfaction. 英国国家统计局的研究发现,人们在酒店、饭店和家庭装修方面的开支和生活满意度相关。

Unsurprisingly, spending on insurance and mobile phones was not. 意料之中的是,保险和手机的花费与生活满意度并不相关。

Those who own their homes or have mortgages rate their life satisfaction more highly than those in private and social rented housing. Households with dependent children were also more likely to be satisfied than those without. 那些拥有自己的住房或有房贷的人生活满意度比租房住(无论是租私有房还是公租房)的人高。有小孩的家庭也比没有小孩的家庭的生活满意度高。

Good health, marital status and economic activity had the strongest associations with how positively life satisfaction is rated. 良好的健康状况、婚姻状况、经济状况和生活满意度的正面关联性最强。

每日新闻播报(June 17)

A Chinese newborn infant is seen at a hospital in Tangyin county, Anyang city, central China's Henan province, 22 January 2018.[Photo/IC]

>Bill to change aging system 韩国议员提议摒弃虚岁

A South Korean lawmaker wants to abolish the country's highly unusual age calculation system. 韩国一名国会议员提议摒弃虚岁这种非常特殊的年龄计算制度。

Under the system, babies are already one year old the day they are born, and automatically turn a year older every Jan 1. 按照这种制度,宝宝在出生当天就被计算为一岁,到了每年的1月1日就自动再增一岁。

That means that children delivered on New Year's Eve are two years old the next day. 这意味着元旦前夜出生的孩子第二天就算两岁。

This is the system most South Koreans use in their everyday life, though they use the international system for most legal matters. 虽然在处理大部分法律事务时韩国人采用的是国际通用的年龄计算制度,但多数韩国人在日常生活中还是用虚岁制来计算年龄。

"The difference in the age calculation methods used in legal and everyday life had various adverse effects", Hwang Ju-hong, a member of the country's National Assembly, wrote in a bill that makes the international way mandatory across all spheres he introduced. 议员黄举宏提出一项法案,要求社会各领域都强制使用国际通用的年龄计算法。他在法案中写道:"法务和日常生活中采用的年龄计算法不同会产生多种负面效应。"

Hwang said his bill has widespread support from other politicians. 黄举宏说,他的法案得到了其他政界人士的广泛支持。

But the National Assembly is currently at an impasse over election bills, which means that Hwang may have to re-introduce his legislation again next year. 但韩国国会目前因选举法案而陷入了僵持状态,这意味着黄举宏的法案今年应该没戏,得等来年再议了。

每日新闻播报(June 17)

Mobile video apps including Kuaishou, Douyin, Xigua and Huoshan are displayed on the screen of a 4G smartphone. [Photo provided to China Daily]

>Mobile internet use soars 短视频推动互联网增长

China has risen rapidly in the mobile internet industry with the number of mobile internet users reaching 820 million in 2018, up 9% year-on-year, driven by the explosive growth in the short video market, an internet trends report said. 一份互联网趋势报告称,中国互联网行业保持着较快的增速,受短视频市场爆发式增长的推动,2018年,中国移动互联网用户数量已达8.2亿,同比增长9%。

The data flow of China's mobile internet surged 189% last year compared with the same period in the previous year, with growth rate accelerating year by year, said the much-anticipated annual report of Mary Meeker, dubbed "Queen of the Internet", a partner at venture capital provider Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. 有着"互联网女皇"之称的风险投资公司凯鹏华盈合伙人玛丽•米克尔制作了这份备受期待的年度报告。报告称,去年,中国移动互联网数据流量同比增长189%,且增速正逐年加快。

Up to April 2019, Chinese internet users spent more than 600 million hours watching short videos per day on average, Meeker said in her report. 米克尔在报告中称,截至2019年4月,中国互联网用户平均每天观看短视频的时长超过6亿小时。

The report noted that China is catching up as a hub for the world's biggest internet companies. 报告指出,中国正成为拥有众多全球大型互联网公司的枢纽。

The country is home to seven of the world's top 30 tech giants, including Alibaba, Tencent, Meituan-Dianping, Baidu and NetEase. 全球排名前30的技术巨头中有7家都在中国,包括阿里巴巴、腾讯、美团点评、百度、网易等。

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