
Just a few days ago, one of the most outstanding events in Citroën history took place in La Ferté-Vidame: The “Citroën Century Celebration” was held from 19.-21. July.


Since many press releases before, during and after the event will be report about this unique gathering of 1000s of Citroën fans and drivers, the ACI wanted to focus on one special highlight – the speech of Henri-Jacques Citroën, grandson of company founder André Citroën during the official opening ceremony.


Here’s the tran in 2 languages, French (as it was held originally) and English (translation).


We’d like to thank Mr. Citroën for sharing his speech with us – and you!

Merci à M. Citroën pour partager le discours avec nous – et vous!



Opening ceremony


Speech by Henri-Jacques Citroën


If I were a singer, I would say: Hello – La Ferté Vidame! I’m tempted to say: Hello, Woodstock! Citroën’s Woodstock!


Hello, fans, admirers, Citroën collectors! Hello to all of you who keep the flame lit by André Citroën, which does not go out, and which continues to burn! La Ferté-Vidame… Citroën pride!


Tributes have long been paid to André Citroën throughout the world. The André Citroën quay where the Javel factory was located. The “Javel-André Citroën” metro station which was recently redecorated on the occasion of the Centenary. Here and there, boulevards and schools bear his name, an André Citroën research chair at the École Polytechnique.

在世界各地,人们纷纷赞颂安德烈·雪铁龙先生的伟大成就。从哈维尔工厂所在的安德烈·雪铁龙码头,到为迎接百年庆典而整装一新的 “哈维尔-安德烈·雪铁龙”地铁站,从这里到那里,从林荫大道到学校,人们到处可见以安德烈·雪铁龙之名命名的纪念建筑,当然还有巴黎综合理工学院专门设立的“巴黎综合理工学院”研究员一职。

In the United States, supreme tribute of the Americans, a space is dedicated to him forever at the Automotive Hall of Fame: in October 1998, he was the first Frenchman inducted into this temple and I had the privilege of receiving the trophy on his behalf.


But the most beautiful tribute is the one you are all paying him, gathered here today, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of a society that has marked our time. It is the largest gathering of brand enthusiasts ever seen in the world, it is the largest open-air automobile museum in history, certainly ephemeral but very real. While waiting for a real museum to be created one day…


It is also the largest outdoor jewellery store in the world! Indeed, your vehicles are real jewels, thanks to you who collect them with love and know-how. To see them gathered here shows how creative the brand has been and how inventive and meticulous you have been to keep them as good as new!


What other brand has created so many mythical cars? Here they are: the Type A, the Kegresse, the Rosalie, the Traction Avant, designed by André Citroën with all the inventors and engineers he has identified and highlighted. And also, those that were created after him: the 2CV, the DS, the Méhari, the SM, the CX, the C6 and all the others…

那么让我们看看雪铁龙品牌造就了多么独具一格的非凡作品吧!他们分别是:由安德烈·雪铁龙先生以及他慧眼独具力邀加入的一众发明家和工程师所设计的Type A,Kegresse,Rosalie和Traction Avant。此外,还有那些在安德烈·雪铁龙先生之后推出的车型:2CV,DS,Méhari,SM,CX,C6以及所有其他系列车型…

When the world’s Internet users voted for the 20th century car in 2000, it was the only brand to have distinguished itself by the presence of 3 models among the 20 most voted cars: the Traction Avant, the 2CV and the DS…

2000年,在一项由世界互联网用户共同推选的20世纪代表车型的投票中,雪铁龙成为唯一一个在20款最受欢迎的汽车中独占3席品牌,这三款车型分别是Traction Avant,2CV和DS……

In June 1919, this outstanding automobile adventure began. But it all started before, 18 years earlier, with the manufacture of herringbone gears (chevron), which inspired the shape of the Citroën logo.


The First World War began and Bernard Citroën, his dear brother, died in the trenches. A tragedy for André, who, fighting on the front, felt exasperated by the imbalance: the Germans sent many more shells on the French lines than the opposite. Without hesitation, he asked his superior for permission to go to the government to propose the immediate construction of a factory to produce as many shells as the enemy. In 4 months, on vacant grounds in the Javel area of Paris, this factory was built. An unfailing reactivity.


When the war ended, inspired by the new industrial methods that were developing in the United States, André Citroën transformed his shell factory: he contemplate to mass-produce cars on a line in order to reduce costs and sell them at an affordable price: he wanted the car to become the means of transport par excellence. On June 4, 1919, the famous Type A was released.

战争结束后,安德烈·雪铁龙深受美国新工业革命启发,大刀阔斧地对其工厂进行转型:他开始考虑以生产线形式批量生产汽车,以降低生产成本,并以市场可承受的价格上市销售:他希望他的汽车成为最出色的交通工具。1919年6月4日,著名的Type A汽车问世。

A newcomer to a market where other manufacturers, such as Ford, Renault or Peugeot, have existed for a long time, it became the leading French manufacturer in 6 years and the leading European manufacturer in 10 years!

当时的汽车市场已经被福特、雷诺或标致以及其他车辆制造商把持,而Type A不仅横空出世,而且成功进入汽车市场并长期畅销。雪铁龙进军汽车市场仅仅6年,便已成为法国境内领先的汽车制造商,仅仅10年,就已成为欧洲市场上的领先汽车制造商!

100 years later, Citroën cars are everywhere. It is impossible for me to forget my name when I walk down the street. On television, on the radio, my name resonates during advertising interruptions! I feel like I’m called all the time.


Few industries in the world are 100 years old. This sustainability has been made possible by the formidable teams of workers, engineers, executives and managers who have succeeded one another. The impetus given by André Citroën has made them “Citroënists” in soul and behavior. As if they were part of a clan that shares a vision, a motivation, a know-how, a complicity…


What a fervor are shown by those who, one day, entered the Citroën universe! You, the collectors, the enthusiasts, have always impressed me with your attachment to the brand and your admiration for its founder. A craze that sometimes gives way to veneration.


What about the photos of André Citroën, affectionately nicknamed “Le Patron”, that some of them have glued in their cars or the signs “Merci, André!” that I have observed during your gatherings?

聚会时我发现,很多人会将安德烈·雪铁龙(或者用更亲切的昵称 “Le Pator”)的照片或写有“谢谢安德烈”的标识牌粘在车上。

André Citroën is an icon, as are Gandhi, Mandela and Jim Morrison in other fields. How did he become one? A friend, an American psychoanalyst, explains: as the War ends, André Citroën starts his activity with enthusiasm, optimism and determination. He conveys an energy and hope that people, saddened and depressed by the effects of war, perceive. With his charisma, he showed that anything was possible and this left its mark on people’s minds.


My Internet publications generated many messages about my grandfather. Some words come back: inspiration; spirit; national heritage; genius; master of resilience.


According to the journalist Philippe Doucet, André Citroën is guided by the 3 theological virtues defined by Saint Paul: faith, hope and charity. Faith in humanity. The hope of a better world for all. Charity, in other words, love of the other, kindness towards the other, which makes him imagine the car as an instrument that will make life easier for his fellow citizens, that will bring them closer together.

著名记者菲利普·杜塞(Philippe Doucet)表示:安德烈·雪铁龙的行事准则正契合圣保罗所定义的3大神学美德:信仰、希望及慈心;相信人性。怀抱为所有人创造一个更好世界的希望。慈心,换言之就是对他人的爱、对他人的仁慈。因此安德烈将汽车想象成一种改善生活的工具,为同胞手足带来更便利的生活,使大家更亲近。

A man who was by no means attracted by the lure of profit. He owned nothing but his factories. His apartment in Paris, rue Octave Feuillet, was rented, just like the house in Deauville! Only his family, the success of his companies and always being at the avant-garde counted.

安德烈·雪铁龙从不因为利润诱惑而妥协。除工厂外,安德烈·雪铁龙身无长处,他在巴黎生活的公寓(rue octave feuillet)是租来的,在多维尔的房子同样也是租来的!对他而言,重要的只有他的家庭,公司的成功以及时刻处于汽车业的前沿。

In 1924, when he launched the “Croisiere Noire”, the crossing of Africa with its new off-road Kegresse vehicles, he wanted to open communication routes where, at best, there were tracks, in order to know better the continent, bring people closer together and promote trade between them.

1924年,他发起了“非洲远航Croisier Noire”活动,是一次驾驶全新越野车Kegresse横跨非洲之旅,他希望在非洲开辟交流路线,最好是汽车能够通行的路线,以便更好地了解非洲大陆,拉近人们之间的距离,促进欧非之间的贸易发展。

In 1931, when he initiated the “Croisiere Jaune”, the extraordinary crossing in autochenilles throughout Asia, from Lebanon to China, my grandfather wanted it to be “the ultimate test for men and machines”: he wanted the automobile to break down all geographical, cultural and political barriers.

1931年,安德烈·雪铁龙发起“亚洲远航Croisiere Jaune”之旅——一次从黎巴嫩到中国的横跨亚洲的冒险。祖父他希望这一活动成为“对人类和机器的终极考验”:希望人们能够驾驶雪铁龙汽车,打破所有地理的、文化的和政治的障碍。

These were exceptional public relations operations as the expeditionaries reported the day’s events every evening by radio. The public could thus follow the evolution of the expedition. A revolution in communication when we were in the 1920s and 1930s!


André Citroën invented everything in the field of advertising and marketing. His name on the Eiffel Tower for 10 years, the illumination of monuments, offered to the City of Paris. Signs on the roads of our country. Citroën toys for children. Etc. He had an innate sense of public relations. Promote the brand on a full-time basis…


One day, a PSA manager showed me the 1932 dealer manual, saying to me, “Look, this manual can be applied to the letter today!”.


Always at the forefront, even in the societal field. André Citroën wanted women to drive, who, at the time, did not have the same rights as men: “Modern women only drive in Citroëns” was a slogan that outraged the Conservatives.


Unfortunately, this whole beautiful story ends in tragedy.


In 1932, André Citroën lost his best friend, his right arm, the one who had moderated his ardour and reminded him of the realities: Georges-Marie Haardt, died of illness at the end of the “Croisière Jaune” he had personally led.

1932年,安德烈·雪铁龙失去了他的左膀右臂:乔治·马利·哈尔特。乔治是一位总是能够中和安德烈的澎湃热情并将他拉回现实的好友,但不幸在其亲自领导的“亚洲远航Croisière Jaune”活动接近尾声时病逝。

That same year, André Citroën visited the completely renovated factory of Louis Renault, his great rival. On leaving, he decided to modernize his Javel factory in Paris to have even more efficient facilities than those of his competitor. A major investment in the midst of the global economic crisis, which Georges-Marie Haardt would surely have discouraged him from making. Financial problems arise. To face them, it is necessary to quickly market the newly designed Traction Avant. It comes out too quickly without having been properly tested.

同年, 安德烈·雪铁龙参观了其最大的竞争对手路易斯·雷诺彻底翻修后的新工厂。离开时,安德烈·雪铁龙决定对其位于巴黎哈维尔的工厂开展现代化翻新,为工厂配备更高效设备,以超越其竞争对手。但当时正处于全球经济危机时期,此次翻新投资金额极为高昂,如果乔治·马利·哈尔特还在世,绝不可能任由他做出这一决定。公司财务开始出现危机。为解决燃眉之急,需尽快将新设计的Traction Avant车型推向市场。因此Traction Avant就在没有完全测试妥当之时贸然上市。

My grandfather, who was ill, lost control of his company and died in July 1935.


Jacques Séguéla, in his latest book “Papa, Maman, Citroën” comments on this tragic end: “André Citroën, the tightrope walker without a pendulum, will have left the stage as he lived: too quickly”.

法国著名广告人雅克·塞盖拉(Jacques Séguéla)在其最新著作《爸爸、妈妈、雪铁龙》(Papa, Maman, Citroen)中对这一悲剧结局评价道,“此刻的安德烈·雪铁龙就像失去了平衡杆的走钢丝者,他将不得不离开他深爱的行业:的确是太快了”。

Thus are born the legends…


The following year, 1936, the revolutionary Traction Avant became a great success. The company returns to profit and moves forward.

祖父去世后的次年,即1936年,雪铁龙革命性车型Traction Avant取得了巨大成功。雪铁龙公司重新恢复盈利,业务更上层楼。

André Citroën brought cheerfulness. He loved the cabaret artists who made fun of him so often. One day, he decided to bring together the 12 most famous comics and proposed them, in verse, the following competition:


Lelièvre, Mauricet, Balthon, Rop and Dorin

You have mistreated me from quatrain to quatrain

Thanks to me, every day you pick up bravos

To the best of you I offer a 5CV.

Lelievre, Mauricet, Balthon, Rop和Dorin




【NB: translating of poems is difficult, hence the original French text】:


Lelièvre, Mauricet, Balthon, Rop et Dorin

Vous m’avez maltraité de quatrain en quatrain

Grâce à moi, chaque jour, vous cueillez des bravos

Au meilleur d’entre vous j’offre une Cinq Chevaux.]

Then each artist read out his quatrain (4-liner verse). The one who won the car was Leo Lelièvre with this beautiful poem:

每位艺术家朗读自己创作的四行诗参赛。最终,Leo Lelièvre用这首美丽的诗赢得了汽车:

Lelièvre, my ancestor, that we constantly mock

By the turtle, one day, was beaten by far;

Thanks to Citroën, I can overcome everyone,

There’s no point in running, you need a tuned engine





the original French text:


Lelièvre, mon aïeul, que l’on blague à la longue

Par la tortue, un jour, fut battu de très loin ;

Moi, grâce à Citroën, je gratte tout le monde,

Rien ne sert de courir, il faut un moteur à point.]

This competition shows André Citroën’s sense of humour and generosity. In the 20th century, try to find a more sympathetic industrialist than him!


Louis Renault once said: “Citroën does good to us, it prevents us from falling asleep”. This sentence is still relevant today.

路易斯•雷诺(Louis Renault)曾说过:“雪铁龙最大的好处就是,它永不无聊。”这句话直到今天仍然适用。

I have in mind the famous slogan: “You have no idea what Citroën can do for you”. Today, Citroën can make us live, together, a great moment, an unforgettable celebration, a historic high mass. And thank you to the organizers, Alain Thuret, Xavier Crespin, Arnaud Belloni and their teams for organizing it so well.

我也想到了那句著名的口号:“你永远无法知道雪铁龙会带来什么惊喜”。今天,雪铁龙可以让我们共同欢聚在一起,共同经历这个伟大的时刻,共同庆祝这一盛大庆典,共同见证这一历史性的大弥撒。感谢组织者Alain Thuret, Xavier Crespin, Arnaud Belloni以及他们的团队,谢谢你们如此出色的组织工作。

But before giving free rein to our communion, I would like to share with you two eloquent and moving messages recently received.


The first from Franck Don, the CFTC central union delegate at PSA: “When I was hired in 1986 at Citroën Aulnay, we still felt the family’s imprint with the ever-present concern for the well-being of its employees: today I am PSA Groupe (…) and I will never forget, however, the Citroën company which instilled in me the pride of working for this company”.

第一条来自PSA的CFTC中央工会代表弗兰克·丹(Franck Don):“1986年我刚进入Citroën Aulnay工作,每时每刻都能感受到如同家庭般的关怀:今天作为PSA集团的一员(…),我将毕生难忘,雪铁龙公司使我为在这家公司工作而骄傲。”。

2nd message from a Latin American friend, a definitive message: “Citroën is France!”


Citroën is France…


(End of Speech)

