博世Bosch: 功能和E / E架构-汽车行业的变革 FunctionalE/E Architecture-A Change



演讲议题:“ 下一代车辆计算和OS技术的集成和聚合 ”

ECU的聚合和整个E / E架构的重新集成需要可提供HPC和实时处理的计算。掌握一系列未来高性能计算和OS相关技术,这些技术是AUTOSAR Adaptive和基于ROS的平台(如Autoware)的基础。

演讲嘉宾:Masaki Gondo, 首席技术官/副总裁, esol 

个人介绍:Masaki是eSOL的首席技术官,该公司提供POSIX / AUTOSAR / TRON RTOS,各种嵌入式软件开发工具和工程服务。他在OS架构和相关技术领域拥有20多年的经验,可用于各种嵌入式系统应用,包括汽车,工业和电子设备。在过去十年中,他正致力于可扩展的异构多核多核OS,应用程序并行化工具,基于领域知识的机器学习驱动程序模型,Scrum开发和功能安全性。他还担任AUTOSAR自适应平台规范的架构师,IEEE C / DA / SHIM WG主席,多核协会SHIM工作组主席,嵌入式多核联盟副主席,AUBASS首席架构师,高级多核处理器研究所访问研究员 在早稻田大学等。

Presentation Topic: " Aggregation and integration of next-generation vehicle computing and the OS technologies "

Aggregation of ECUs and re- integration of the whole E/E architecture requires such a compute, offering both HPC and realtime processing; understand a line of high-performance computing and the OS related technologies that underlies the the platform like AUTOSAR Adaptive and also ROS based platform like Autoware.

Speaker:  Masaki Gondo, CTO and GM Technology Headquarters

eSOL Co., Ltd.

Bio: Masaki is CTO at eSOL, the company that provides POSIX/AUTOSAR/TRON RTOS, various embedded software development tools and engineering services. He has more than 20 years of experience in the field of OS architecture and related technologies for use in a wide range of embedded system applications including automotive, industrial, and electronic appliances. In the last decade he is working on a scalable heterogenous-multi-manycore OS, application parallelization tools, domain-knowledge-based machine learned driver models, Scrum development, and functional safety. He also acts as an architect of AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform specification, IEEE C/DA/SHIM WG Chair, Multicore Association SHIM Working Group chair, Vice-chair of Embedded Multicore Consortium, Chief Architect for AUBASS, visiting research fellow at Advanced Multicore Processor Research Institute at Waseda University, among others.
