[画仓] 或许是个理想主义者 - 欧阳金古

人文丨艺术丨深度丨阅读 秋风凄切伤离,行客未归时|温庭筠 ▲ 音乐与美术的跨界混搭,你有高山,我有流

▲ 音乐与美术的跨界混搭,你有高山,我有流水。

These are my this more than half a year to draw some pictures, to say some iffy xuan's comprehension and understanding again also could not say a turn to tell her, I think painting and doing other work that makes no difference is found that the problem and admits it face it and to find ways to solve it, some problems to solve the natural is the best, if not solve, that didn't also way, take it. I realize that I am not a talented person, many things are difficult to understand, so you can only step forward step by step, since you like this thing then do it well, since you have done it to try to do it well.




《自画像》40×50cm 布面油画 2019

