我的魅力婚礼 – 上海浦东丽思卡尔顿酒店2019婚礼秀


The Ritz-Carlton Shanghai, Pudong hosted a special wedding show on October 11, 2019, combining immersive experience with ingenious wedding moments by The Ritz-Carlton brand. The event was held from the golden hour of sunset until the night, allowing more than 40 guests to experience a real Ritz-Carlton wedding.

下午时分的58层Flair顶层餐厅酒吧变身为精致的云端婚礼仪式场地,在场宾客与新人共同回顾二人邂逅故事并见证交换誓言的神圣时刻,夕阳下伴随着悠扬的歌声举杯同庆,为新人送上诚挚的祝福。夜幕降临,宾客移步至高雅别致充满秋意的酒店三楼宴会厅区域,宴会厅大门徐徐打开,以金色和白色为主题的婚宴场地展现在大家面前, 缎带与鲜花从房顶呈流线型垂落,简洁长桌左右排开静静等待着新人的到来。 晚宴开始,宾客们在别出心裁的互动演出中享用精致五道式菜品,其中用花雕酒调味的清蒸黄鱼配蛋白黄豆是由米其林一星金轩中餐厅主厨黄英杰师傅为二位新人特别准备的菜品,以尚佳的口感和优良的品质俘获到场贵宾的心。婚宴接近尾声,上海浦东丽思卡尔顿酒店总经理魏浩生先生登台致辞,同时揭晓整场婚礼无论新人还是节目表演人员均由酒店绅士淑女组成,给现场带来新的惊喜。

In the afternoon, Flair Rooftop Restaurant & Bar on the 58th Floor transformed into an exquisite venue for a wedding ceremony. The guests witnessed the sacred moment of exchanging vows and toasted to the newly wedded couple with sincere blessings, accompanied by melodious songs, in the sunset. As night fell, the guests moved to the elegantly decorated banquet foyer on the third floor for a brief time to mingle. Finally, the door of the Great Banquet opened. The gold and white-themed room featured ribbons and fresh flowers hanging from the ceiling. Simple yet chic long tables awaited the arrival of the guests and the couple. Dinner began, and guests enjoyed exquisite five-course dishes during a series of interactive performances. Executive Chef Daniel Wong of Michelin-starred Jin Xuan Chinese Restaurant specially prepared Steamed Yellowfish with Egg White and Soya Beans. As the wedding drew to a close, Mr. Hoss Vetry, the General Manager of The Ritz-Carlton Shanghai, Pudong, delivered a brief speech on stage to thank all the guests for joining and revealed that all show performers, including the married couple, were all Ladies and Gentlemen from the hotel, which brought another pleasant surprise to the night.


Mr. Vetry said, “In addition to inviting you to experience the hotel facilities and services by attending this wedding, we’d like to show you that every Lady and Gentleman here at The Ritz-Carlton Shanghai, Pudong is committed to make every moment worth remembering for you and your guests.” The event ended in the singing and of the guests.

悉心照料每个细节,用心实现每一个愿望,倾情锁定每个瞬间是丽思卡尔顿婚礼对客人的承诺。 上海浦东丽思卡尔顿酒店个性化定制的精致婚宴服务闻名于沪上,每对新人都有一位婚礼管家为其提供全程服务,从婚礼主题构想设计至婚宴的策划安排都悉心准备,婚礼当日更提供全程贴心照料,让新人按照自己的心意,轻松面对人生大事,在婚宴当天华丽出场,宾客尽欢。

Every detail looked after, every wish fulfilled, every moment captured for eternity, only at weddings by The Ritz-Carlton. The Ritz-Carlton Shanghai, Pudong is well-known for its exquisite wedding services in the market. Each couple is assigned with a wedding specialist to provide full service, from theme pickup to the execution of the event. This allows the couple to face the big day stress free and actually enjoy and celebrate the special moment with all guests invited.


Our team of award-winning chefs will design innovative, personalized and creatively presented menus which turn a meal into an unforgettable memory of your celebration for every one of your guests. Using the finest produce, our culinary team can serve up a traditional Chinese banquet, a Western gala dinner or a fine-dining fusion menu at your request. The STAR wedding package invites guests to join Executive Chef Daniel Wong of three-time Michelin-starred Jin Xuan Chinese Restaurant on a personalized culinary journey, beginning with a private menu consultation and followed by a food tasting guaranteed to ensure utmost attention to detail and the couple’s personal tastes.

上海浦东丽思卡尔顿酒店拥有装饰艺术时代的浪漫与优雅,为宾客人生中的重要时刻准备了贴心的一站式服务与布置,多款婚宴礼遇可供选择以满足宾客的个性化需求。位于酒店三层的宴会场地总面积超过2,600平方米,包括一间1,135平方米的大宴会厅(可分隔成三间)、四间多功能厅和两间董事会议室。大宴会厅融合了上海装饰艺术和时尚新颖的布局,由蜚声国际的设计师Richard Farnell精心设计,雍容华贵而匠心独运。新人可享受配套便利设施及经验丰富的餐饮宴会服务团队贴心服务,打造难忘的丽思卡尔顿回忆。

The Ritz-Carlton Shanghai, Pudong offers thoughtful one-stop service and various wedding packages for guests to choose from. Located on the third floor of the hotel, the banquet area covers over 2,600 square meters, including a 1,135-square-meter Grand Ballroom (which can be divided into three rooms). The Grand Ballroom interior, designed by the renowned Richard Farnell, features a fusion of Art Deco elements and a stylish contemporary layout. The newlyweds will be treated to world-class technology and facilities, underscored by effective yet discreet services, to create memories for life.


上海浦东丽思卡尔顿酒店于2010年6月21日开业,是丽思卡尔顿酒店品牌在上海的第2家酒店,同时也为此国际顶端奢华酒店品牌在中国的第7家酒店。酒店坐落于陆家嘴金融贸易区和高雅时尚生活核心的上海国金中心,由世界知名建筑师Cesar Pelli先生精心设计。

共有285客房和套房的上海浦东丽思卡尔顿酒店,雄踞上海国金中心58层一期楼顶18层。酒店设计由国际知名设计师Richard Farnell主理,设计新颖时尚,同时巧妙的融了20世纪30年代上海装饰艺术特色,处处散发带有本地色彩的时代魅力。宾客无论身处酒店客房或餐厅,皆可将外滩美景尽收眼底——细品享誉世界的装饰艺术历史建筑群。


About The Ritz-Carlton Shanghai, Pudong

The Ritz-Carlton Shanghai, Pudong was opened on 21 June 2010. It is the luxury hotel brand’s second hotel in the city, and it’s seventh in China. Located in Shanghai IFC, the prime real estate in Lujiazui financial and entertainment center, the hotel complex is the masterpiece of world famous architect designer, Cesar Pelli.

The 285-room Ritz-Carlton Shanghai, Pudong occupies the top 18 floors of the Shanghai IFC Tower I. With interior designs by Richard Farnell, style of the hotel is contemporary with hints or new interpretations of 1930’s Shanghai Art Deco. This gives a great sense of place to the hotel as guest rooms and restaurants embrace magnificent sweeping views over The Bund – the most intact collection of Art Deco architecture anywhere in the world.

The Ritz-Carlton Shanghai, Pudong’s guest rooms and suites range in size from 50 square meters to 410 square meters. There are three floors of Club accommodations and each club room enjoys access to the hotel’s stunning Club Lounge on the 49th level. The hotel also offers a variety of dining options with four Shanghai, Pudong restaurants and a bar.
