名著欣赏 | 杀死一只知更鸟

To Kill a Mockingbird 杀死一只知更鸟 《杀死一只知更鸟》是美国女作家哈珀·李发

To Kill a Mockingbird



To Kill a Mockingbird is a long novel which was written by Harper Lee and published in 1960. The plot of this novel is based on the six-year-old narrator’s observations for families’ and neighborhoods’ life. It mainly reflects the racial injustice and the destruction of the innocent. The first part focus on The Great Depression. Scout, Jem and Dill were fascinated and frightened by their eccentric, stay-at-home neighbor Boo. The second part mainly described the court appointed narrator’s father, Atticus Finch, as the defence lawyer of Tom Robinson,. But because of prejudice, the jury still returned a guilty verdict. The wronged Robinson was shot and died on the night of the verdict because he tried to escape.


eccentric /ɪkˈsɛntrɪk/

1. ADJ If you say that someone is eccentric, you mean that they behave in a strange way, and have habits or opinions that are different from those of most people. 古怪的; 异乎寻常的

2. N-COUNT An eccentric is an eccentric person. 古怪的人

verdict /ˈvɜːdɪkt/

1. N-COUNT In a court of law, the verdict is the decision that is given by the jury or judge at the end of a trial. 裁决

2. N-COUNT Someone's verdict 判断


This excerpt is from chapter 11 of part 1, describing that Mrs. Dubose was mean and the children did not like her. After an argument, Jem,the narrator’s brother, had cut the tops of Mrs.Dubose’s camellia bush off. Jem’s father Atticus made Jem go reading to her for apologizing. We can know how brave a woman Mrs.Dubose is from her struggling against illness before death.







“She’s dead, son,” said Atticus. “She died a few minutes ago.”


“Oh,” said Jem. “Well.”


“Well is right,” said Atticus. “She’s not suffering any more. She was sick for a long time. Son, didn’t you know what her fits were?”


Jem shook his head.


“Mrs. Dubose was a morphine addict,” said Atticus. “She took it as a pain-killer for years. The doctor put her on it. She'd have spent the rest of her life on it and died without so much agony, but she was too contrary—”


“Sir?” said Jem.


Atticus said, “Just before your escapade she called me to make her will. Dr. Reynolstold her she had only a few months left. Her business affairs were in perfect order but she said, ‘There’s still one thing out of order.’”


“What was that?” Jem was perplexed.


“She said she was going to leave this world beholden to nothing and nobody. Jem, when you’re sick as she was, it’s all right to take anything to make it easier, but it wasn’t all right for her. She said she meant to break herself of it before she died, and that’s what she did.”


Jem said, “You mean that’s what her fits were?”


“Yes, that’s what they were. Most of the time you were reading to her I doubt if she heard a word you said. Her whole mind and body were concentrated on that alarm clock. If you hadn’t fallen into her hands, I’d have made you go read to her anyway. It may have been some distraction. There was another reason—”


“Did she die free?” asked Jem.


“As the mountain air,” said Atticus. “She was conscious to the last, almost. Conscious,” he smiled, “and cantankerous. She still disapproved heartily of my doings, and said I’d probably spend the rest of my life bailing you out of jail. She had Jessie fix you this box—”


Atticus reached down and picked up the candy box. He handed it to Jem.


Jem opened the box. Inside, surrounded by wads of damp cotton, was a white, waxy, perfect camellia. It was a Snow-on-the-Mountain.


Jem’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. “Old hell-devil, old hell-devil!” he screamed, flinging it down. “Why can’t she leave me alone?”


In a flash Atticus was up and standing over him. Jem buried his face in Atticus’s shirtfront. “Sh-h,” he said. “I think that was her way of telling you—everything’s all right now, Jem, everything’s all right. You know, she was a great lady.”


“A lady?” Jem raised his head. His face was scarlet. “After all those things she said about you, a lady?”


“She was. She had her own views about things, a lot different from mine, maybe…son, I told you that if you hadn’t lost your head I’d have made you go read to her. I wanted you to see something about her—I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do. Mrs. Dubose won, all ninety-eight pounds of her. According to her views, she died beholden to nothing and nobody. She was the bravest person I ever knew.”


Jem picked up the candy box and threw it in the fire. He picked up the camellia, and when I went off to bed I saw him fingering the wide petals. Atticus was reading the paper.




Fit :(癫痫等的)突发, 发作

beholden /bɪˈhəʊldən/:ADJ If you are beholden to someone, you are in debt to them in some way or you feel that you have a duty to them because they have helped you. 欠...人情的

morphine /ˈmɔːfiːn/ :N-UNCOUNT Morphine is a drug used to relieve pain. 吗啡

painkiller /ˈpeɪnˌkɪlə/ :N-COUNT A painkiller is a drug that reduces or stops physical pain. 止痛药

escapade /ˈɛskəˌpeɪd/:N-COUNT An escapade is an exciting and somewhat dangerous adventure. 大胆冒险之举; 刺激的冒险

perplex /pəˈplɛks/:If something perplexes you, it confuses and worries you because you do not understand it or because it causes you difficulty. 使困惑和忧虑

cantankerous /kænˈtæŋkərəs/:ADJ Someone who is cantankerous is always finding things to argue or complain about. 爱找碴的; 爱发牢骚的 [书面] [usu ADJ n]

wad /wɒd/ :N-COUNT A wad of something such as paper or cloth is a tight bundle or ball of it. (一) 团; (一) 叠; (一) 卷

scarlet /ˈskɑːlɪt/ :COLOR Something that is scarlet is bright red. 猩红 (的); 鲜红 (的)






